Dihydrogen Monoxide - Research Reports

Dihydrogen Monoxide Dihydrogen Monoxide - DHMO.org

Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Reports


The following research reports are provided by the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division as an information resource to the general public, educators, elected representatives, community groups, safety advisors, and other researchers. These reports provide a concise summary of polling and survey results and related research findings regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide from investigators all over the world!

Please Participate!

We welcome your survey results and experimental findings as well! If your organization or educational institution, or even you as a private citizen, would like to be involved in this exciting and important cause, we invite you to conduct your own research and submit your findings to us via email at . We will post your results here on our web site for the world to see!

Surveying Tips & Guidelines:
  • Inform participants of some of the dangers of DHMO. Try to remain impartial so you do not unduly influence those questioned. You may even have them view our main web site or the Dihydrogen Monoxide FAQ.
  • Ask whether they would be for or against a ban of DHMO. Or you can collect signatures on a petition.
  • Track all responses, whether for, against or undecided, as you survey as many people as you can. The larger your sample, the more valid your findings.
  • Send us your report when you are done, including the title and date of your report, total number surveyed, number of responses for, against, or undecided, the name of your school or organization, the names of all researchers involved, one or more email addresses where we can contact you, and any other interesting information or results. Send your report to us at .

Research Materials

If you'd like to conduct a survey but need the materials or just a hand getting started, we recommend our DHMO Educator's Kit. The kit contains all you need to set-up and supervise a petition drive and other experiments. You'll find it in our Online Store.

Survey Reports

The following reports are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent results appearing first.

Report: 120508   
Title: The Westlake Experiment
Organization: AP Statistics course
Westlake High School
Westlake Village, CA
Researchers: Tony Jin
Jesse Hu
Date: December 3-5, 2008
This landmark study, "The Westlake Experiment: A Student Survey to Ban DHMO" was part of a project for an AP Statistics course. A total of 379 students were surveyed using a questionnaire form that gave one of three questions and asked for room/teacher and grade level. 15 of the surveyed students refused to respond, so 364 responses were gathered. Here are the results:

Question 1 (Control). Should the substance DHMO be banned in the United States?

Total people surveyed 118 100%
Yes (in favor of ban)40 34%
No (opposing a ban)78 66%

Question 2 (Given information supporting a ban). Recent scientific evidence has shown the substance DHMO to be extremely dangerous to life. It is known to be a major component of acid rain and an important cause of erosion. Nationwide, thousands of deaths are attributed to DHMO every year. Historically, DHMO has been used in Nazi death camps as well as prisons in Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, Libya, Iraq, and Iran. Despite overwhelming evidence of DHMO's detrimental effects, people continue to be exposed to it, even in so-called "organic" and "natural" foods. Should DHMO be banned in the United States?

Total people surveyed 126 100%
Yes (in favor of ban)79 63%
No (opposing a ban)47 37%

Question 3 (Given information on the opposing side). DHMO is a naturally occurring substance that is highly beneficial to life as it helps maintain ecological balance. In addition, it creates thousands of jobs and generates billions of dollars of revenue. Despite overwhelming evidence, some people still want us to get rid of DHMO. DHMO does not cause adverse effects; in a recent survey, more than 90% of those who reported themselves to be "very happy" have had exposure to DHMO. Should DHMO be banned in the United States?

Total people surveyed 120 100%
Yes (in favor of ban)33 28%
No (opposing a ban)87 72%

This makes for a total of 152 "yes" responses favoring a ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide, or 41.8% of the survey participants. Compared to other studies in the past, the results of the "Westlake Experiment" were much more undecided.

Question 2 clearly slants the question in favor of "yes," but the difference caused by Question 3 was slight (though still statistically significant).

Since the students were stratified by grade, we also noticed that freshmen (51.4% yes) were more likely to ban DHMO than sophomores (44.1% yes), who were then more likely than juniors (35.8% yes) and seniors (38.6%). Some of the dissenters have cited learning the supposed benefits of DHMO in their chemistry classes. It is also noteworthy that, despite being given so many of the benefits of DHMO, 33 students remained in favor of a ban of DHMO.

Data from this survey is available in an Excel spreadsheet.

Report: 112508   
Title: The Montezuma Dihydrogen Monoxide Study
Organization: Mrs. Collins’ class
Macon County High School
Montezuma, GA
Researchers: Berneka Cochran
Cornelius Coleman
Nicole Collins
Quanedra English
Ashley Felton
Jaquiez Harris
Jacquenesia Jackson
Xzavia James
Kha-yen Le
Brianna Nedd-Rice
Kimberly Ortega
Kanedra Sanders
Chazmine Tookes
Stephanie Tran
Crystal Walters
Date: November 17-24, 2008
The largest study of its kind to date was undertaken by researchers in Montezuma, Georgia in November, 2008. A total of 317 people were surveyed and asked to sign a petition, with the results as follows:
Total people surveyed 317 100%
Signed petition favoring a ban150 47%
Signed petition opposing a ban167 53%
Did not sign petition0 0%

In this extensive survey of 317 subjects, the counter-intuitive result of a majority actually opposing a ban of DHMO was noted. Researchers feel that the educational system may be to blame for these results, while others feel that potentially it is a variation on Montezuma's Revenge. The study concluded that Dihydrogen Monoxide may be more critical in human's lives that is believed by some, so researchers are recommending that it not be banned at this time, at least until further studies can be conducted.

Report: 021308
Title: Petition to Ban the Use of Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)
Organization: IB TOK
Hoover High School
Hoover, AL
Researchers: Ryan Serrano
Date: February 6-13, 2008
Total of 62 people were surveyed, with results:
Total people surveyed 62 100%
Signed petition proposing a ban56 90%
Did not sign petition (opposed ban)4 6%
Did not sign petition (opposed petitions)2 3%

Research was conducted as the basis for a project on knowledge issues which was later presented to the class. Participants were chosen at random from Hoover High School and a nearby neighborhood. Participants were given a brief summary of data taken directly from the DHMO.org website and then asked if they would sign a petition in support of a ban.

All four of the dissenters cited chemistry classes they have taken as the reason for their opposition to a ban. This suggests a conclusion that is quite startling: perhaps chemistry classes are being taught in such a way as to bias students towards DHMO. Thankfully, as the data shows, most people either do not take such courses or do not pay much attention in them.

Report: 050807
Title: Student Survey on DHMO
Organization: Charlestown Middle School
7th Grade Science
Charlestown, IN
Researchers: Justin Snelling (7th/8th Science Teacher)
Date: May 8, 2007
Survey was conducted as part of 7th Grade Science. Students were surveyed to determine how many were in favor of or opposed to a ban of DHMO. Voting was tabulated and a report filed on May 8, 2007.

Survey responses are:

Total people surveyed 43 100%
Favor ban32 74%
Oppose ban11 26%
Undecided0 0%

Students participating in the survey have subsequently reversed their ban of DHMO, recognizing the ambiguity of its potential dangers vs. perceived benefits.


Report: 103106
Title: Global Science course DHMO survey
Organization: Islesboro Central School
Islesboro, ME
Researchers: Sandra Kirby (6-12 Science Teacher)
Date: October 31, 2006
Survey was completed as part of a Global Science course. Students took turns presenting information from the DHMO.org website. Once all presentations were complete, they were permitted to ask questions and we would refer back to the website for answers. At the end of the question and answer session, students were asked to vote in favor or against a ban of DHMO. The voting was completed on October 31, 2006, with over 70% voting in favor of a ban.

Survey responses are:

Total people surveyed 17 100%
Favoring ban12 71%
Against ban5 29%
Undecided0 0%

Students participating in the survey have subsequently reversed their ban of DHMO, recognizing the ambiguity of its potential dangers vs. perceived benefits.


Report: 040405
Title: Student Survey on DHMO
Organization: St. Jerome School
Phoenix, Arizona
Researchers: Reynard Perrin
Date: April 4, 2005
This student survey was given to 50 students to see how they would react. They were given a list of the dangers, uses, an places you could find DHMO. Over 3/4 of the students voted in favor of the ban.

Survey responses are:

Total people surveyed 50 100%
Favoring ban39 78%
Against ban7 14%
Undecided4 8%

Report: 030004
Title: To Ban or Not to Ban
Organization: Pre-AP Research Team
9th & 10th grade campus
Eagle Pass High School
Eagle Pass, TX
Researchers: Miss Williams
Pre-AP students
Date: March 2004
Research performed as part of the pre-ap biology and pre-ap integrated physics and chemistry (IPC) course work. Researchers, lead by Miss Williams, polled members of the school and surrounding community, who completed a brief questionnaire.

Questionnaire responses are:

Total people surveyed 518 100%
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide319 62%
Do not ban Dihydrogen Monoxide109 21%
Undecided about ban90 17%

Perhaps most surprising is the unusually low proportion of those in favor of a ban. Historically, studies which explore the public's desire to support a ban of DHMO produce 80-90% in favor of a ban. These results are still being analyzed, and some have proposed that an unusually high rate of information literacy may have biased the results.

Report: 101400
Title: Survey to ban DHMO
Organization: Claudia Landeen School
Stockton, California
Researchers: Errol Reilly
Date: October 6-13, 2000
Student survey conducted over one week period, gathered opinions from a varied sample of subjects, distributed as follows: 90% over age 18, 10% under age 18. Survey questions were designed by student researchers, and all polling was conducted by these researchers.

Questionnaire responses are:

Total people surveyed228 100%
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide22498.3%
Do not ban Dihydrogen Monoxide31.3%
Undecided about ban10.4%

Report: 90700   
Title: Notre Dame DHMO Study
Organization: General Chemistry class
Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, Indiana
Researchers: Jerry T. Godbout, Ph.D.
Steve Carroll
Date: September 2000
Survey conducted as part of Gen Chem 1 class at the University of Notre Dame, revealed that a general ban of DHMO is supported by a majority of students.

After hearing about Dihydrogen Monoxide, including performing online research, respondents were asked whether or not they would support a ban of DHMO. The results of the survey are:

Should Dihydrogen Monoxide be banned? Fall 2000
Support ban of DHMO59%
Against ban of DHMO41%
Undecided or no opinion0%

A previous Notre Dame study conducted as part of a Gen Chem 2 class in Spring 2000, resulted in the following opinions:

Should Dihydrogen Monoxide be banned? Spring 2000
Support ban of DHMO86%
Against ban of DHMO14%
Undecided or no opinion0%

Survey conditions were informal, and further follow-up studies are planned.

Report: 71399
Title: Campaign to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide in Chemistry Laboratories
Organization: The High School of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland
Researchers: Bobby Dickson, Guy Sanderson, Margaret White, Tracy Hickman, David Cooper, Lee Dickson
Date: March/April 1999
This campaign collected 341 signatures calling for a full ban on the use of Dihydrogen Monoxide in the school's chemistry laboratories. In certain groups, 64% signed the petition without a second thought, whereas in another group, nearly 61% were actually against the ban.

Some notable results of the campaign are:

  • 45% of the teachers polled were in favor of the ban, although those asked to fill in questionnaire were less likely than those surveyed verbally to be in favor of the ban.
  • The parent of one pupil felt strongly enough about the matter to write a letter supporting the ban, not wanting her child or anyone else's children to be exposed to the harmful substance.
  • 12-18 year-old female students were most likely to "stand up for their rights" and sign the petition, among those surveyed.
Overall, the researchers found that easily 50% of those polled where swayed, at least initially, by previous opinions gathered.

Report: 031599
Title: Petition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide
Organization: Fischer & Associates
Researchers: Robert Fischer
Date: March 1999
This on-going online petition collected over 50 signatures in short time. The web-based petition describes a number of the potential dangers and damaging properties of Dihydrogen Monoxide. The site offers an easy fill-in form interface to register your support. Currently, no statistics are kept for opposing views.

Report: 120598
Title: Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide Petition
Organization: Leyada - Hebrew University Secondary School
Researchers: Nir Soffer
Date: October 1998
This online petition has gathered a total of 205 responses. The results may provide insight into the Israeli perspective on the Dihydrogen Monoxide debate. Most notably, a majority (54%) are against a ban of DHMO, in contrast to the typical result in the U.S. of a significant majority (over 80%) being in favor of a ban. These results could indicate a different level of knowledge about Dihydrogen Monoxide in Israel, or it could mean that public perception there is that Dihydrogen Monoxide is less of a danger. It is known that there are areas of Israel that have relatively low levels of DHMO.

The petition lists 16 consequences or dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide, providing participants with three choices of a response:

Total people surveyed205
Signed in favor of ban of DHMO85
Against ban of DHMO110
Undecided or no opinion10

Report: 101298
Title: Should Dihydrogen Monoxide be Banned?
Organization: Chatham, Ontario
Researchers: Chatham Residents
Date: September 1998
This follow-up to the pilot study compared results of a small sample (50) of Canadian residents with early results from the U.S. Researchers conducted a door-to-door survey, providing the following information to each:
    Dihydrogen Monoxide is found in all forms of cancer,
	it is a major component of acid rain, if it is inhaled
	in its natural state it is often fatal, in gaseous form
	it causes severe burns.
Those in favor of a ban were asked to sign a petition. Survey results are:

Total people surveyed50
Signed in favor of ban of DHMO44
Against ban of DHMO5
Refused to sign petition1

These results may suggest that the Canadian population is similarly inclined to be wary of DHMO as the U.S. population is. This study suggests that more research is warranted.

Report: 060198
Title: In Support of a Ban of DHMO
Organization: Eagle Rock Junior High School
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Researchers: Nathan Zohner
Date: April 1998
This pilot survey was conducted to test possible public support of a ban on DHMO. Participants were provided with a short list of the harmful nature of DHMO. Signers of a petition were in favor of strict control or total elimination of this chemical. Petition statistics break down as follows:

Total people surveyed50
In favor of ban of DHMO43
Against ban of DHMO1

Results indicate strong public support may be likely in favor of a ban of DHMO, and more extensive polling should be conducted to raise public awareness.

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